Unity Tutorial 02

 This week on Unity was a big step forward from last week, I wrote my first few lines of code! In this tutorial I learned how to code inputs for the vehicle in the tutorial. I can definitely say that this week was a big step forward from last week but I was looking forward to a challenge.

 The line of code above might look complicated but it's actually very simple, all it does is make the vehicle in the game move forward and that's it. No warning at all once you press play in the Unity software that car is out of there, thankfully with a bit of extra code you can slow it down to a reasonable speed.

 One thing I had a lot of fun messing around with was the collide physics using the 'Rigidbody' tool. I easily spent a good twenty or so minutes changing gravity and weight and seeing everything flying all over the place. Unfortunately I spent the most part of those twenty minutes looking from afar as I hadn't realised I could change the position if the game camera. Not my proudest moment.

Overall this week was a blast. As I mentioned in my last Unit post I know this is still me just taking baby steps towards the bigger picture but I'm still having heaps of fun with this and I definitely plan to play around with the code a bit more in my own.
