My Favourite Game

 So seeing as the current college semester I'm in has a module entirely about game design and development, we were all required to think about a game that we would give the mantle of being our 'favourite game'. Gaming has always been prevalent in my life from the time I was young and I was starting out playing Super Mario on my Nintendo DS right up to now where I'm playing games where you can quite literally play God.

 With the arrival of the new next gen consoles on the way I've been playing some of my old favourite's and had the chance to relive some of my best memories with these games. Even though it is practically impossible to pick a favourite, I've somehow managed to do so and decided that God of War is definitely up the top in my all time favourites.

The game's main character (Kratos) standing in front of Tyr's Temple.

In this game you are Kratos, the son of Zeus who was double crossed by the Greek Gods and claimed revenge by destabilising Olympus and massacred the Gods. 

 With a sequel in the works I will definitely be revisiting this game in a few weeks time in preparation for in predecessor. Thinking about the good times I had playing this game and so many others has me incredibly excited for this module and making a game for myself. I know I won't be making a game anywhere near the standard of this, but if I decide to go down this possible career path who knows what could happen in a few years time.
